
2011-05-18 15:07:42出处:PCbaby作者:佚名



       周三,作为亨氏2011社区捐赠行动计划之一,亨氏安大略省工厂员工为当地几个组织机构捐款共计10,000美元。照片中人物前排从左依次为:亨氏人际关系经理Lon Rose、“家庭天地”(Family Place)组织的Chris Cornell、“西部财富山谷”(Western Treasure Valley)组织中男生女生俱乐部的Linda Cummings、“白鸽计划”(Project Dove)的Jennifer Fugate与Cindy Ranae、男生女生俱乐部的Keely Ponce、亨氏工厂经理的Joe Garrard;后排从左依次为:“家庭天地”(Family Place)组织的Tess Schellenbarger、男生女生俱乐部的Angela Smith、“白鸽计划”(Project Dove)的Debbie Blackaby、男生女生俱乐部的Jason Reece、“丰收之家使命”(Harvest House Missions)组织的Renee Cummings、“四河健康管理中心”(Four Rivers Health Clinic)的Jody Stark。

  安大略省消息 — 亨氏公司安大略省工厂员工共捐款10,000美元给以下组织机构:“西部财富山谷”(Western Treasure Valley)男生女生俱乐部、“四河健康管理中心”(Four Rivers Health Clinic)、“丰收之家使命”(Harvest House Missions)、“白鸽计划”(Project Dove)及“家庭天地”(Family Place)。



  安大略省工厂经理Joe Garrard表示:“我们十分兴奋可以通过捐款来回馈当地社区的组织机构。”


  l “西部财富山谷”(Western Treasure Valley)组织男生女生俱乐部的捐款将用于支持其课外计划——“让每一小时释放无限力量,让每一分钟意义非凡 (Power Hour Making Minutes Counts)”。该项计划目的在于通过让学生与青年发展专家一起工作,让家庭作业及教育充满乐趣。

  l “四河健康管理中心”(Four Rivers Health Clinic)的捐款将继续用于为需要帮助的病人提供健康医疗服务以及免费或者低价格的药物治疗。

  l “丰收之家使命”(Harvest House Missions)的捐款将用于提供紧急居所服务、求职搜索协助、培训以及社区青少年的教育支持。

  l “白鸽计划”(Project Dove)的捐款将用于降低大楼安全系统升级的成本,为家庭暴力受害者提供安全保障。

  l “家庭天地”(Family Place)组织的捐款将用于为其紧急食品储藏室购买本地家庭短缺的日常家居用品。




  H.J. Heinz factory presents grants to local organizations


  Employees at the H.J. Heinz Company's Ontario factory presented donations totaling $10,000 Wednesday to several organizations as part of its 2011 Community Grant Program. Those included in the photo are (front row, from left) Lon Rose, human relations manager at HJ Heinz; Chris Cornell, Family Place; Linda Cummings, Boys & Girls Club of the Western Treasure Valley; Jennifer Fugate, Project Dove and Cindy Ranae, Project Dove; Keely Ponce, Boys & Girls Club; and Joe Garrard, plant manager, HJ Heinz. (Back row, from left) Tess Schellenbarger, Family Place; Angela Smith, Boys & Girls Club; Debbie Blackaby, Project Dove; Jason Reece, Boys & Girls Club; Renee Cummings, Harvest House Missions and Jody Stark, Four Rivers Health Clinic.

  ONTARIO — Employees at the H.J. Heinz Company’s Ontario Factory presented donations totaling $10,000 to the following organizations: Boys & Girls Club of the Western Treasure Valley, Four Rivers Health Care, Harvest House, Project Dove, and The Family Place.

  As part of a joint community grant program between the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation and Heinz North America to give back to the communities in which its factories reside.

  The Ontario facility nominated the organizations for the grants and each then submitted a formal grant proposal. Following an extensive review by an internal committee, grants were awarded to qualifying recipients.

  “We are excited to be able to give back to these organizations within our local community through these donations,” Ontario Factory Manager Joe Garrard said.

  The organizations plan to utilize the donation in the following ways:

  The donation to the Boys & Girls Club of the Western Treasure Valley will help support its Power Hour Making Minutes Count after-school program, where students work with youth development professionals who help make homework and education fun.

  • Four Rivers Health Care will use the donation to continue its work in assisting patients in need by providing health care services and no-cost or low-cost medications.

  • The donation to Harvest House Missions will help the organization toward providing emergency housing services, job search assistance, and training and education support to youth within the community

  • Project Dove will apply the donation to costs associated with upgrading the building’s security system, which will help provide safety for victims of domestic violence.

  • The Family Place will use the donation to purchase items and household products for its emergency food pantry that aren’t typically available at other pantries for local families.

  In total, the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation and Heinz North America will contribute more than $200,000 to 58 organizations.

  Those organizations include food banks, homeless shelters, domestic abuse programs, education initiatives and more; across the country in the form of grants through this community grant program.


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