合生元首席科学家Patrice博士告献策 让宝宝远离便秘

2010-06-25 17:41:53出处:PCbaby作者:佚名






  Nowadays more and more mothers will keen to give baby infant formula, while there are many young parents are worried about it. Then, where is the difference between breast-feeding and formula feeding with a professional point of view?



  Breast feeding is the Gold standard as pointed out by the WHO because it contains all the elements that are necessary for the development of the baby. However some mother cannot or don’t want to breast feed and this is why Infant formula do exist. Therefore Infant formulas have to be as close as possible to Human breast milk but this is not always the case. In particular infant formulas have to contain functional whey proteins and B-vegetable oils to resemble Human breast milk. With these formulas mothers shouldn’t be worried to feed their baby with Infant milk. 世界卫生组织指出,母乳喂养是黄金标准,因为母乳中含有婴儿生长发育所需的全部营养。然而有些母亲不能或者不愿进行母乳喂养,这也是为什么会有婴儿配方奶粉的存在。因此,婴儿配方奶粉应当尽量接近于人乳,但并不是所有奶粉都能做到。特别要注意的是,婴儿配方奶粉要模拟母乳,必须包含具有功能的乳清蛋白和β-植物油。如果婴儿配方奶粉包含了上述成分,妈妈们可以放心喂养,无需担心。


  Based on the consumer survey results, a lot of babies were bothered with constipation after drinking infant formula. Do you think this situation normal? Does it occurred by infant formula?



  Breast fed infants have only loose stools and usually are not subject to constipation while constipation can occur with formula fed Infants. The main reason is the structure of the lipids that are coming from vegetable oils in infant formulas and are not identical to human breast milk lipids. Because they are less digestible than the human breast milk lipids, they complex with ca++ ions and form insoluble calcium soap which causes constipation. Because this soap has to be excreted with the stools it is also a net loss of both calcium and lipids which will not be used by the baby.母乳喂养儿的大便松软,通常不会出现便秘;而与之形成对比的是配方奶粉喂养儿则会出现便秘。导致这种差别的主要原因在于,普通奶粉所含植物油的脂肪结构与母乳脂肪结构不同。与母乳脂肪相比,普通奶粉的植物油不易被吸收,而且还与钙离子结合形成不溶性钙皂,从而造成便秘。随着钙皂排泄出体内,钙和脂肪也无法被婴儿吸收,白白流失掉了。


  It is understood that Biostime have been working on maternal and child nutrition food, then, whether Golden Care Infant Formula Series launched recently can solve the constipation problem caused by milk formula?






  Then, what technologies are Biostime using in the infant formula to decrease baby’s constipation?



  Biostime has made the choice to replace the classical vegetable oils that is used in all infant formula in China by B-Vegetable oils which structure is closer to the human breast milk lipids. Especially the palmitic acid is in majority at the B position of the triglyceride molecule and allows a better lipid and calcium absorption and no calcium soap formation. These formula are very effective to alleviate constipation in babies as proved by several large scale clinical studies.



  You just mentioned that β-Vegetable oil can prevent baby’s constipation; please tell us more about the theories. Do we have any data supporting?



  To penetrate into the enterocytes which are the intestinal cell lines absorbing nutrients in the intestine, the lipids have to be hydrolyzed by an enzyme name pancreatic lipase. This enzyme preferentially hydrolyses the alpha and gamma bounds of the triglyceride molecule leaving one fatty acid in the B-bound. If the fatty acid “palmitic acid” is on alpha and gamma position it will be released as free fatty acid in the intestine and will bound to calcium to form the insoluble calcium soap. In our B-Vegetable oil, the palmitic acid is on Beta position and will not be hydrolyzed. Instead it will enter into the enterocytes with the remaining glycerol molecule. As a result we will have a better lipid absorption, a better calcium absorption (important for bone strength) and no calcium soap formation which again is responsible for constipation.深入到负责吸收营养的小肠上皮细胞,我们就会发现,脂肪必须经过胰脂肪酶分解后才能吸收。胰脂肪酶有选择地分解甘油三酯的α-和γ-位,同时保留β-位脂肪在甘油骨架上。如果软脂酸是在α和γ位的话,它在小肠中就会以游离脂肪酸的形式分解出来,然后会与钙结合形成不溶性钙皂。在我们的β-植物油中,软脂酸是在β位上,因而不会分解出来。相反的是,它们会保留在甘油骨架上并被小肠上皮细胞所吸收。结果就是,脂肪吸收更好,钙吸收也很好(这对于骨骼非常重要),没有钙皂形成,也就没有了便秘。


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